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Low Cost and No Cost Preparedness

In September, FEMA visited Howard University to kick off this year’s National Preparedness Month and premiere this year’s theme, “A Lasting Legacy,” which features a call-to-action for the Black and African American communities. While there, FEMA collaborated with Howard University students to create a public service announcement featuring students giving advice on how to prepare for a disaster.

To encourage preparedness for all, the messaging is focused on how individuals can prepare for disasters when they have less resources available to them. While many are facing the strain of higher prices, there are some low-cost/no-cost ways to prepare and preserve your legacy this National Preparedness Month:

  • Start by gathering supplies around your home for an emergency supply kit, such as an old backpack or canned goods already in your pantry.
  • Sign up for emergency alerts in your area to receive life-saving information from your state and local municipality.
  • Visit Low and No Cost Preparedness | for more free and low-cost tips and information on things you can do to lessen the impact of disasters and emergencies for you and your family.

To learn more about National Preparedness Month, visit