EPIC-EM (East Pierce Interlocal Coalition for Emergency Management): Three Years Strong!
The Cities of Puyallup, Bonney Lake, Sumner, Orting, Buckley and the Towns of Carbonado and Wilkeson entered into an Interlocal Agreement for Emergency Management preparedness, planning, training, and exercise in February of 2021. Representatives from these jurisdictions began discussions during the peak of COVID-19 response about how they could collaborate on emergency preparedness efforts given similar hazards and limited local resources. The Coalition came to be referred to as EPIC, the East Pierce Interlocal Coalition for Emergency Management, and embarked on an ambitious three-year workplan. This presentation will provide an overview of the first three years of the Coalition’s work, including the 2022 and 2024 Regional Lahar Evacuation Exercises, the largest volcanic exercises in North America. Presenters will share the Coalition’s work-plan for the next three years, highlighting the strengths of collaboration and cooperation to support local jurisdictions and their ability to ultimately be better prepared to serve their communities.
About the Presenters

Kirstin Hofmann is the Emergency Manager for the City of Puyallup. Kirstin previously served as the Office of Emergency Services Director for the County of Santa Clara (Silicon Valley) in California. Kirstin has also worked for the American Red Cross, the United Way Silicon Valley as the 2-1-1 Santa Clara County Director, and the Emergency Preparedness Manager for a consortium of federally qualified health care clinics in San Jose, California. Kirstin is originally from Seattle, Washington, completing her undergraduate studies at the University of Washington and her graduate studies at Seattle University. Kirstin has responded to many natural disasters (hurricanes, fires, earthquakes, storms) and public health, domestic terrorism, and civil disobedience emergencies. Kirstin is a member of the East Pierce Interlocal Coalition for Emergency Management (EPIC-EM) and the Pierce County Type 3 Incident Management Team (IMT).

Andy McCurdy, M.Ed. has been working in law enforcement for more than 30 years, has been a police executive for more than 8 years, and is currently the Deputy Chief of Police for the City of Sumner. Andy has extensive experience as a practitioner and trainer in patrol tactics, school safety, community policing, investigations, health and wellness, leadership, procedural justice, and trauma informed practices. Andy is a member of the EPIC-EM Planning Team and Pierce County Type 3 IMT.