Expanding Access to Crisis and Emotional Support Throughout the Disaster Cycle: Updates and Innovations from the Disaster Distress Helpline
Launched in 2012 as the only crisis hotline national in scope and dedicated to 24/7/365 support for survivors and responders struggling with distress or other mental health concerns related to natural or human-caused disaster, the Disaster Distress Helpline (DDH) is funded by the U.S. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration and administered by the not-for-profit Vibrant Emotional Health.
Key stakeholders in Emergency Preparedness are vital partners to the DDH, helping to promote our services to the communities they serve. During this session, Christian Burgess, LMSW, Director of the DDH for Vibrant, will provide an introduction to disaster distress risk factors and symptoms, followed by an overview of the DDH and two services launched in 2021: 1) a Videophone option for Deaf/Hard of Hearing American Sign Language users, and 2) an Online Peer Support program that connects survivors and responders of COVID and incidents of mass violence with trained Peer Supporters.
The presentation will conclude with discussion on how organizations can more effectively utilize the DDH throughout the disaster cycle, and attendees will be given action plans for incorporating the DDH and other mental health resources into their disaster preparedness, response, and recovery frameworks.
About the Presenter

Based in Gresham, Oregon, Christian Burgess, LMSW, is Director of the Disaster Distress Helpline (DDH), a program of the U.S. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration administered by the not-for-profit Vibrant Emotional Health. Christian became Director of the DDH in 2012, helping to launch the program, after having joined Vibrant in 2010 as the Training Coordinator for the Oil Spill Distress Helpline project. The DDH is the only crisis hotline national in scope and dedicated to providing 24/7/365 emotional support for survivors and responders of natural or human-caused disasters. Immediately prior to his work at Vibrant, Christian worked for over 10 years in youth violence prevention and trauma intervention in New York City, including as Director of School Programs at Safe Horizon, one of the nation’s largest service providers for victims of crime and abuse.