Join the Committee

Interested in joining the Partners in Emergency Preparedness Committee?
Well this is US:
The Partners in Emergency Preparedness Conference (PIEPC) is one of the largest regional emergency management events in the nation, and we want to invite you to share your knowledge, talents, and experience in helping this conference continue to be the most highly sought after gathering of top-notch practitioners addressing today’s key topics and enhancing relationships in the field for years to come.
The committee is diverse, yet continues to seek more talented colleagues. Members include public and private sector emergency management professionals, non-profits, public health care, utilities, homeland security, public information and warning, education, private business, and many other fields. We welcome both seasoned and enthusiastic new practitioners.
This committee works together to generate and maintain a high level, well organized conference, bringing together professionals from many fields where partnerships are born and enhanced for years to come.
The committee works on recruiting great speakers, volunteers, sponsors and exhibitors, arranging logistics and finances, marketing, and more. Your talents in one or more of these areas will be a fantastic addition to our team!
Being a committee member can enhance your professional experience and be part of your resumé . Those new to the field can also gain great experience and build career building relationships.
Consider joining the Partners in Emergency Preparedness Conference Committee!! Success is where preparation and opportunity meet, the primary goal of the conference. The committee meets virtually once a month and works off-line on some arrangements via email, etc. Most committee members spend no more than a few hours a month on committee activities ahead of the conference itself.
To join the committee, complete the membership application here.