Lakeland State Health Care Facility Case Study: Critical Incident Stress Management Support During the Washington State 2023 Gray Fire
Lakeland Village is a State of Washington Department of Social and Health Services, Developmental Disability Administration 24/7 Residential Habilitation Center located in Medical Lake, Washington. Lakeland sits on a 110 acre campus with 45 buildings, 700 employees, and 170 developmentally and intellectually disabled residents. On August 18, 2023 the Gray Fire surrounded Lakeland and the entire facility was ordered to evacuate. The evacuation was halted after 3/4’s of the staff and residents had been moved to an evacuation center when the route to that center was blocked by fire. The evacuation center was then threatened by fire and a second evacuation was ordered. Though Lakeland was spared, hundreds of homes and structures in the surrounding area were destroyed in the fire. This presentation will focus on the mental health and safety recovery efforts at Lakeland for the 6 week period following the fire.
About the Presenter
Tim Gerlitz is a certified individual and school crisis instructor through the International Critical Incident Stress Foundation and has managed CISM teams during crisis response for many years. Tim is the Superintendent of Lakeland and was the Incident Commander during the State of Washington Gray Fire. Tim has worked in state and community service for 40 years and has experience as an administrator for the past 25 years in the areas of behavioral health, developmental and intellectual disabilities, medical programs and higher education.