Most of us rely on technology in our daily routines, and it’s crucial that cyber readiness is part of our preparedness routine personally and professionally.
Cyberattacks are malicious attempts to access or damage a computer or network system. Cyberattacks can lead to the loss of money or theft of personal, financial, and medical information. Although we often think of cyberattacks affecting us at work, it is important to also think about cybersecurity in your day-to-day life at home and with your family. Cybersecurity involves preventing, detecting, and responding to cyberattacks that can have wide-ranging effects. Cyberattacks can occur in many ways, such as accessing your personal computers or mobile phones. Electronic devices are crucial to our lives and often to our emergency plans, so it is critical to think about cyber readiness when preparing for a disaster.
Cyber Readiness is crucial in our day to day lives and when preparing for, responding to and recovering from disasters. More information about cybersecurity can be found at ready.gov/cybersecurity and to learn more about how to prepare for disasters, visit ready.gov/plan.