Moulage: What is it and Why You Need it
Moulage is Disaster simulated special effects makeup specific to Emergency drills and exercises. It enhances the training for all Emergency Response Teams – CERT, EMS, Fire, Police, Military, Hospitals, Airports, Schools – by providing realism to the training simulation. This puts more stress and anxiety on the Responders but it is done in a safe environment and by creating a realistic scenario, the training is more accurate to how First Responders may react in real life.
About the Presenter

Laurell Sprague started in the Emergency Management world by going through a CERT Class in 2004 and then taking a Moulage class soon after. She saw a growing need for realistic wounds at drills and exercises and created Moulage Mayhem in 2015 based on this need. Since that time, Moulage Mayhem has grown into a team of Moulage Artists that travel all over Washington state as well as Oregon and Idaho. The Team has participated in hundreds of exercises from CERT Final drills to Mass Casualty and Active Shooter exercises with many different agencies including Fire, Law Enforcement and the Military as well as FAA required Airport exercises. Moulage Mayhem is a non-profit group of Volunteers and holds several classes a year to train more Moulage Artists wanting to give back a unique service to First Responders.